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каталог химических ресурсов // журналы // химия полимеров

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Polymer publishes original research from all areas of polymer science and technology with emphasis on molecular or meso-scale interpretation of data.
переходов по ссылке: 2106

Polymer Bulletin
Polymer Bulletin provides rapid publication of significant advances in polymer science, including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and material science.
переходов по ссылке: 1529

Polymer Chemistry
A new peer-reviewed journal publishing advances in polymer chemistry encompassing all aspects of synthetic and biological macromolecules, and related emerging areas.
переходов по ссылке: 352

Polymer Composites
Polymer Composites is the engineering and scientific journal serving the fields of reinforced plastics and polymer composites including research, production, processing, and applications. PC brings you the details of developments in this rapidly expanding area of technology long before they are commercial realities.
переходов по ссылке: 243

Polymer Contents
Polymer Contents contains the tables of contents of the leading international polymer journals, preprints, proceedings, newsletters and selected serial book titles. Each issue contains the contents received during the past month.
переходов по ссылке: 206

Polymer Degradation and Stability
Polymer Degradation and Stability deals with the degradation reactions and their control which are a major preoccupation of practitioners of the many and diverse aspects of modern polymer technology.
переходов по ссылке: 212

Polymer Engineering & Science
For more than 30 years, Polymer Engineering & Science has been one of the most highly regarded journals in the field, serving as a forum for authors of treatises on the cutting edge of polymer science and technology.
переходов по ссылке: 218

Polymer Reviews
Polymer Reviews publishes topical issues, consisting of invited high quality reviews on topics of current interest in all areas of macromolecular science and engineering. Areas of particular interest are biomedical applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanostructures, micro- and nano-fabrication, biological molecules (DNA, proteins, carbohydrates), polymers for renewable energy and the environment, and polymers at the interfaces with other disciplines.
переходов по ссылке: 182

Polymer Testing
Polymer Testing provides a forum for developments in the testing of polymers and polymeric products and is hence of interest to those concerned with testing rubbers and plastics in research, in production and in connection with the specification and purchase of products. The journal covers all branches and aspects of testing, including new apparatus, new techniques and standards, together with their application to quality assurance and product development.
переходов по ссылке: 215

Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering
The journal Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering will provide a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles on all aspects of polymer and plastics technology that are industrial, semi-commercial, and/or research oriented. Some examples of the topics covered are specialty polymers, engineering polymers, bio-related polymers, applications of polymers, and other areas (polymerization processes, environmentally friendly polymers, recycling of plastics, advanced materials, polymer plastics degradation and stabilization, natural, synthetic and graft polymers/copolymers, polymer modifications, structure property relations, advanced manufacturing techniques, plastics processing, testing and characterization, analytical tools for characterizing molecular properties and other timely subjects, etc.).
переходов по ссылке: 231

Polymers is an international, open access journal of polymer science. Polymers provides an interdisciplinary forum for publishing papers which advance the fields of (i) polymerization methods, (ii) theory, simulation, and modeling, (iii) understanding of new physical phenomena, (iv) advances in characterization techniques, and (v) harnessing of self-assembly and biological strategies for producing complex multifunctional structures.
переходов по ссылке: 457

Polymers for Advanced Technologies
Polymers for Advanced Technologies is published in response to recent significant changes in the patterns of materials research and development. Journal is focused to the interest of scientists and engineers from academia and industry who are participating in these new areas of polymer research and development. It is the intent of this journal to impact the polymer related advanced technologies to meet the challenge of the twenty-first century.
переходов по ссылке: 207

Progress in Polymer Science
Progress in Polymer Science publishes state-of-the-art overview articles by internationally recognized authorities in polymer science and engineering, one of the fastest growing disciplines.
переходов по ссылке: 1619

PU Magazine International
In 2001, we launched a new magazine in Germany dealing with all the different aspects of the polyurethane business. We saw that this special theme of the polymer industry is growing tremendously and will continue to do so in the future because of the great variety of this fascinating material. So there should be a high demand for serious technical information.
переходов по ссылке: 244

Reactive and Functional Polymers
The Journal publishes papers dealing with new ideas and developments in the science and technology of polymers with functional groups that provide specific chemical reactivity or physico-chemical behaviour. The scope covers organic and inorganic functional polymers, acting as reagents, catalysts, carriers of protecting groups, templates, ion-exchangers, selective sorbents, chelating agents, supports for enzymes and cells, and the like. It also includes reactive cross-linkable prepolymers, degradable or bioactive polymers, polymer resists, conducting polymers, and film-forming polymers.
переходов по ссылке: 212

Reinforced Plastics
Reinforced Plastics magazine and the ReinforcedPlastics.com website deliver business and technology information to the global composites industry: daily news; weekly e-mail newsletter; technical and business feature articles; podcasts and webcasts; online Buyers' Guide; jobs; events and training; and more.
переходов по ссылке: 195

The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials will provide a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles (including select reviews) on all aspects of polymeric materials. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature and plans to include extensive contributions in the area of Polymeric Biomaterials & Biomedical Polymers, Applied Polymer Science (New Concepts in Polymeric Materials, Energy Related Polymers, Bio-based/Bio-derived Materials, and Polymers for Environmental Applications) to address the innovation needs on such current areas.
переходов по ссылке: 175

The Journal of Applied Polymer Science
The Journal of Applied Polymer Science, through full research papers and compact reviews, covers all applications of polymers, from composite and structural materials, to those used in packaging, biomedical implants, plastic electronics, energy, and many more. The journal bridges the crucial gap between basic research and patenting of an invention, targeting a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers, as well as the increasingly important world of scientists and engineers at start-up companies.
переходов по ссылке: 208

Каучук и резина
Журнал "Каучук и резина" издается с 1927 г. Все об эластомерах: наука, технология производства, области применения.
переходов по ссылке: 433

Лококрасочная промышленность
Научно-технический журнал "Лакокрасочная промышленность" адресован инженерно-техническим работникам, занимающимся производством, применением и продажей лакокрасочных материалов.
переходов по ссылке: 352

Меxаника композитныx матеpиалов
Международный научный журнал "Меxаника композитныx матеpиалов" ("Mechanics of Composite Materials") выходит 6 раз в год с 1965 года (до 1979 года "Механика полимеров"). Издается в Риге (Латвия) Институтом механики полимеров. МКМ публикует результаты оригинальных экспериментальных и теоретических исследований свойств и поведения композитных материалов и их составляющих.
переходов по ссылке: 191

Отраслевое издание, публикующее информацию о последних мировых достижениях в области разработок, технологий производства и использования полиуретанов.
переходов по ссылке: 280

ПЛАСТИКС: индустрия переработки пластмасс
Журнал ПЛАСТИКС Отраслевое издание. Основные освещаемые темы: новости полимерной промышленности, обзоры оборудования, сырья, технологий, репортажи с выставок, конференций, семинарах, обзоры полимерной прессы.
переходов по ссылке: 1815

Полимерный бизнес в России. Каталог.
Первый специализированный каталог класса Premium Полимерного бизнеса в России. Включает ключевых игроков на рынке полимеров, статьи ведущих специалистов отрасли, прогнозы экспертов, описание новейших материалов и технологий.
переходов по ссылке: 918

Промышленное производство и использование эластомеров
Информационный сборник «Промышленное производство и использование эластомеров» – отраслевой научно-технический журнал, публикующий статьи об исследованиях в области технологии получения синтетических высокомолекулярных соединений, синтетического каучука, технологии и переработки полимеров и композитов, наполнителей и других ингредиентов резиновых смесей, производства готовых изделий из эластомеров: шин и РТИ; а также аналитические статьи по вопросам экономики, социологии, экологии полимерного производства. Большое внимание журнал уделяет обзору зарубежной информации.
переходов по ссылке: 328

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